Dynamic/expression facial lines (between eyebrows, horizontal lines on the forehead, crow’s feet around the eyes, drooping mouth corners) neck spasm (cervical dystonia), excessive sweating, lazy eye, overactive bladder. Thinning lips, shallow facial areas, shadow/wrinkles under the eyes, recessed scars, static wrinkles.
Botox contains purified bacteria that freeze muscles. In doing so Botox and Fillers can help minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles caused by facial expressions. Dermal fillers contain ingredients that add fullness to areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the cheeks, lips, and around the mouth.
Phone: (403) 800-0268
中文热线: (403) 498-7776
Email: info@mutobeauty.ca
222 14 Ave SE
Calgary, AB , T2G 1C7
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